
Monday, 9 June 2014


    World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved

One of the small pleasures in my life is to go early each morning and pick up milk in proper bottles from my doorstep. I know it's only a little thing in relation to the Euro crisis or what's happening in the rest of the world but it makes me happy. In fact if you have followed Wanstead Daily Photo from the start you may well remember that my first post was a picture of milk in bottles on my doorstep just having been delivered. 

If you are old enough to remember black and white cowboy films you will recall there was often a Pony Express dispatch rider who always got the mail through no matter what. Well it's the same with our milkman Steve, who incidentally is a fountain of knowlege about all things Wanstead, who starts his day at what for most of us would be an unearthly hour. It doesn't matter what the weather throws at him be it sunshine, rain or snow the milk still gets through delivered on time for my porridge. 

As the football  World Cup gets under way Steve has decked out his milk float  with flags in support of the England team,  now if I can only convince Steve to deliver the teams milk to the lads in Brazil I think we might be in with a real chance of success. Even if he can't make it to Brazil Steve will still be delivering to Wanstead folk  six days a week, call Parker Dairies and get him to drop you off  a pinta,  I'll even give you the number 0208 520 5943. 


  1. Hello Steve! This is one thing that I've missed since I left London over 30 years ago...

    1. It's a great service, there's nothing like getting cold milk in glass bottles. Perhaps I could convince Steve to include Versailles in his round!

  2. It's great that this service is still around. Very English it is. Oh, and good job Steve.

    1. Stefan hi, I'm not sure but I think it probably in just a British thing. I've certainly never come across it anywhere else.
