Sunday, 9 November 2014


                   World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved

11th hour, 11th day, 11th month, nothing more to say really...

I know it's a little early but in view of all services being held today it seemed fitting, please read the story of the picture at the bottom of the page.

    World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved

I took these photographs of the sandbag wall which rests in the front garden of Mike Edwards and Kathy Taylors house in Redbridge Lane West. The OTT installation was originally built as part of the Wanstead Art Trail where it was a great hit. Both Mike and Kathy's granddads served in the First World War and so they decided it would remain until armistice day, Wanstead folk are welcome to leave a poppy in this WW1 installation.