I was in South Woodford the other day when I came across this alleyway. It's in George Lane and runs through to the car park behind the shops. I assume it was built as part of the original shop development. I was attracted by the light coming through from the other end and the way the line of the walls lead to the top of the frame. It's always worth taking a little time to look around.
Picture framing, Photo restoration, Photography workshops, Crafts and more all from Geoff Wilkinson Photography at 'eightyfour', 84 Nightingale Lane, Wanstead, London E11 2EZ
Monday, 30 December 2013
Sunday, 29 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Wow, cold this morning before the sun came up. This is the lawn in the garden, lots of frost just starting to melt helping to make a great picture.
Friday, 27 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I went to see how the river Roding was getting on earlier today. A few years ago there was flooding on Chigwell Road but I believe the flood defences have been reinforced since then. I took this photograph from the bridge where it runs under the A12 near the Redbridge roundabout. It didn't look too bad, flowing fast but not too high, let's hope it stays that way. Luckily, the sun broke through as I was about to take this picture adding a bit of drama to the final image.
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
This is one of my favourite Wanstead pictures, the twisted tree on Christchurch Green, apt for this time of the year I thought. Wherever you are in the world Merry Christmas and a happy holiday.
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson -All rights reserved
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
What a great Sunday evening - Kinema returned to Wanstead. A truly wonderful experience, Wanstead folk gathered in the hall of Treehouse After School Club, Grove Hall in Grosvenor Road, brought their own cushions and chairs settled down and watched the excellent Christmas film 'It's a Wonderful Life'. If you have never seen it it's a must, a few tears were shed in the hall at the end of the night as the film finished. Wanstead Tap were on hand to provide a variety of their excellent beers, what a great start to the Christmas break. Special thanks must go to Kinema enthusiast Wansteads own Wansteadium for arranging the event.
Monday, 23 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Here's a thing that always 'throws' me slightly. I get up, get dressed and leave the house. The sun's up, it's daylight but there's the moon. I just can't get my head around it. Note to self re New Years resolution 'I must take up astronomy'.
Sunday, 22 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
On the last Sunday before Christmas it was great to see the local traders open early this morning. As you can see from the picture in A G Dennis, the local butchers shop, the window was being stocked with turkeys and the greengrocers, Harveys, was doing a brisk trade as well. Shop local if you can, the High Street is an important part of Wanstead.
Friday, 20 December 2013
Not strictly Christmas lights but a great display anyway. I shot this picture of the London Eye tonight while on a river Thames evening cruise, hope you like it.
Thursday, 19 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I thought I would pop this picture on today just to make a difference from the night shots of the last two days. It's just a quick shot I grabbed as I was opening up the Gallery in Nightingale Lane yesterday morning, it's so full of light and you can almost feel warmth from the sun, it just struck me as a very cheerful photograph. The palm belongs to The Lane Indian restaurant next door to us, nice to see a few leaves still around.
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Driving home this evening I spotted these Christmas lights. They are a bit different from the usual, kind of like illuminated earrings dangling in the night, great though eh!
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved

I do like Christmas lights there's nothing quite like them. I can't imagine the festive season without them. They lift the shops, houses and streets and just make everything feel so warm and cosy. As I walked home the other night I snapped these pictures, look out for more to come !
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Monday, 16 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
This is not the normal view of Nightingale Green that I usually observe. As you can see work is well under way, portable loo, piles of earth, heavy machinery and cones, its all happening. I can't wait to see the finished result.
Sunday, 15 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
This is just a simple picture, in case you can't guess it's a candle in a glass container with the light radiating from it. I thought it was very Christmaassy !
Saturday, 14 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I walked home from the Gallery last night. I just wanted to stretch my legs as I had been sitting all day editing photographs on the computer. I think I have said before that one of the good things about it getting dark early is that the lights in houses are on when I leave. I have always admired the stain glass in particular this porch, is it Edwardian? I am not sure, anyway the lights were on last night and it looked wonderful backlit.
Friday, 13 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I mentioned yesterday that I wasn't sure if the weather we are getting is mist or fog. Yesterday I think it was definitely fog. Early in the morning the visibility really was limited, I was pleased not to be driving. By the time I got to Christchurch Green it had thinned out a little. It was really spooky with figures emerging from and disappearing into the fog. If we get a third morning of it I will definitely think I have been transported back into some bad 1950's horror film.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson -All rights reserved
I said on the post yesterday that I thought December was supposed to be grey and sure enough when I woke up this morning it was. Was it fog or mist, not sure but it was very atmospheric anyway.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
You don't have to tell me, I know it's another sky picture but really who can resist these amazing skies. Both morning and evening we have had these fabulous displays of colour recently, I thought December was supposed to be grey. I shot both of these pictures in Redbridge Lane West. It's an interesting road because of the way it drops down from George Green towards the River Roding, quite often different light at the top and bottom.
Monday, 9 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Very busy afternoon yesterday at our gallery, 'eightyfour' in Nightingale Lane. Mike Edwards was launching and signing copies of his book 'Shelf Life', it's photographs and stories about 'people of note' of E11, E18 and E4. As you can see from the picture above the lights were burning brightly in the Gallery as people came in to see the book and look at the new Wanstead photographs that we have hanging. We have a few copies of the book in the Gallery, if you would like to have a look please pop in.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
As I was leaving the gallery the other evening there was a lovely moon in the sky. Although it was a crescent, not a full moon it was so clear. I hurried to photograph it before the cloud cover arrived. I don't know much about the night sky, but I think I managed to identify 'the plough' the other night, sort of North West of Wanstead? If you know about these things please drop me a line to let me know if I am looking in the right direction !
I went onto Nightingale Green to take this photograph, I wanted to include the bare branches of this tree. As you probably know 'the Green' is undergoing a major facelift and should look great in five or six months time.
Friday, 6 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Fabulous skies for the last two mornings. I missed the one yesterday, I was working before the sun came up but I did manage to grab this quick shot of the one this morning. It was taken on my iPhone through double glazing hence the flare but I thought it was still worth capturing.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I was wandering along the High Street the other night and stopped to wonder what sort of restaurant we are going to have in the old Irish Bank building. We seem to have most types in Wanstead and I know there is a lot of speculation.
Anyway as I continued along toward Wanstead Station I saw our Christmas tree from this angle, I really liked the view with all the car tail lights, made it look even more festive.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I was waiting outside Wanstead station the other night when I noticed these shadows. It took me a second to fall in before I realised they were of bare branches being thrown by the street light.
Monday, 2 December 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I know some of you are great fans of Paris, I do not know whether any Parisian's follow this blog but I like to think that amongst the French readers some do. Whenever I see tables and chairs outside a cafe or restaurant I always think of sipping wine overlooking a busy Paris street. Anyway back to the real world, this photograph was taken in Leytonstone and the tables and chairs are outside the excellent Olive Branch restaurant opposite the station. On a sunny day or a warm evening however and a little imagination you could be anywhere.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
Mike Edwards, a Wanstead resident and great Pilates teacher has been working for five years on a book of photographs of 'local people of note' as he puts it. The first launch of his book is to be at our gallery 'eightyfour', 84 Nightingale Lane, Wanstead, E11 2EZ on Sunday 8th December 2pm till 5pm. If you are free pop in and check it out. In the meantime I'll let Mike give you a brief introduction to his book...
Shelf Life E11,E4, E18
"As you may know by now, I'm interested in local issues, be they 'green', environmental, community, history etc. So, for the past five years I've been compiling stories and taking photos of local people of note in Wanstead, Woodford and Chingford - hence E11, E4, E18. (A project which initially began through my interest in photography.)
41 subjects, all of whom tell their life stories with interest, where they came from and how they came to be in the position they are now, involved in the local community. For example, an 86 year old woman still teaching KeepFit, an 80 year old man still shodding horses, and a man in his 70's still maintaining the church bells up in the Tower above Christ Church. I've felt honoured to have been given access to their memories, and as a result, I have learned so much more about the local area."
So, here is my invite to you to attend the Book Launch/Signing in December where the book will be sold at cost price. It is a short lithographic print run by, of course, a local Company!"
Mike Edwards
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