I know I have posted a photograph before of raindrops on leaves. However, when I went into the garden yesterday and saw the raindrops on this Agapanthus I just couldn't resist reaching for my camera. It looked absolutely stunning, I can't wait for it come out in full bloom.
Picture framing, Photo restoration, Photography workshops, Crafts and more all from Geoff Wilkinson Photography at 'eightyfour', 84 Nightingale Lane, Wanstead, London E11 2EZ
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
It used to be said that 'the camera does not lie'. If you look at the picture above you would be forgiven for thinking that it's a row of houses with the lights on but it's not. I took this picture in Charnwood Drive yesterday evening, it's just the setting sun reflecting on the glass in the windows.
Monday, 29 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Had a wander over Christchurch Green on the way home from the Gallery yesterday afternoon. So pleased that I did, there were families sitting together, dad's playing with the children and couples picnicing, a wonderful summer sight. This tree in the picture above has always fascinated me, what made the trunk twist like that ? One of natures mysteries I expect. I was also surprised by the number of fallen leaves, I would expect this in the autumn but at this time of the year ? They were all very dry, I am no gardener but I expect it's to do with the hot weather.
Sunday, 28 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
You will recall that I posted a photograph of Wanstead House yesterday looking lovely in the evening light. This is the entrance gate to the grounds, what interests me is the wording on the gate. I can't find any reference to a 'West Ham Hall', any suggestions or facts gratefully received.
Saturday, 27 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Wanstead House is in a wonderful location. Situated opposite George Green it picks up the last of the evening's light. Last night it looked superb as the sun was setting.
big roll of the drums, the Sushi bar in Wanstead High Street opened last night to a packed house. Watch for an inside view soon, good luck to them....

big roll of the drums, the Sushi bar in Wanstead High Street opened last night to a packed house. Watch for an inside view soon, good luck to them....
Friday, 26 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Driving along Mansfield Road the other morning when Mrs Wilkinson spotted this cat balancing on a fence. It sat obligingly for a photo but I always wonder how do cats do that ? As you can see from the picture it is perched on a piece of fencing about 2 inches wide and about 7 foot off the ground, I know they have great balance but how comfortable can it be ?
Thursday, 25 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
You must remember the thunder and lightening of last Monday night who could have missed it. I was in the garden around 10pm and I looked up and saw this cloud formation around the moon. It looked so dramatic and threatening I just had to take a picture. However, as for the actual thunder and lightening Mrs Wilkinson says I slept peacefully through the lot !
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
As you can see from the photograph above the bees are back, or at least in our garden. I went out there yesterday afternoon and there were around 15 bees buzzing and darting backwards and forwards among the lavender plants. A really welcome sight.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Pulled up outside the gallery on Sunday morning and saw this little rascal playing on Nightingale Green accompanied by Noel, landlord of The Nightingale pub in Nightingale Lane. 13 weeks old and named Sheba this Rhodesian Ridgeback is definitely going to be leader of the pack in The Nightingale. Seems to have been an outbreak of new dogs in Wanstead in the last few months.
Monday, 22 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I understand that in popular mythology that a pair of swans stay together for life. I spotted this pair on Eagle Pond last week, although far apart they seem to be mirroring each other in shape and position. Anyway true or not it was beautiful light for photography and I thought it made a really nice picture. Have a great week.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Looking around for the next picture for the blog led me down Nightingale Lane yesterday. At the side of the United Reformed Church was this lovely shadow caused by a wrought iron gate.
Saturday, 20 July 2013
World© Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
From blossom to fruition, my cherries finally came through although smaller in size than last year. Not that I am too worried about the size because I never get to them. Our local pigeon population 'mug' me for them every year, I just don't know how they do it. They have a built in sense, they know exactly to the day when the cherries are ripe, so by the time you see this picture the cherries in it will have probably been devoured !
Friday, 19 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Saw this little scene at Eagle Pond a few days ago. Not quite sure why it attracted me but it did, I looked through the viewfinder of my camera and I liked it even more. Maybe it was the birds, maybe the still water, anyway here it is, hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
After I photographed the Church of England Primary School roof the other day I was in a 'looking up' mood. This view is from the High Street looking between buildings at the a roof of a house in Wanstead Place. It reminded me of a scene looking across rooftops from the film 'Oliver', it just needs Bill Sykes and his dog fleeing the law.
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

I discovered this garden some time ago and I posted a photograph taken from the gate. When I was there the other day the gate was open and I was able to look around inside. It was really quiet and peaceful, I discovered this sundial and a new view of Eagle Pond. There is a plaque on the wall from the British Legion saying the garden was opened as a memorial garden in 1997 and a second plaque saying 'In remembrance of the victims of war'. Such a tranquil spot.
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I was wandering along the High Street over the weekend and paused by the Church of England Primary School. I was drawn first by the chimneys but then noticed another structure on the roof. As you can see from the photographs it's not a chimney but looks to me because of the crossbeam, that maybe it was for hanging the school bell. The school was established around 1790 and is Grade 11 listed, next time you are passing by take a moment to check out the roof structures.
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Monday, 15 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I spotted this Rolls Royce beauty outside our gallery in Nightingale Lane, he was just driving off. I rushed back inside to grab my camera and the driver kindly paused in the middle of the road while I snapped this picture. I imagine he was returning from a wedding. If anyone knows who he is please let me know, I would like to do another photograph from the front showing the grille.
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Off he goes past the Nightingale and people enjoying the sun and a pint.
Sunday, 14 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I took a trip over to Jubilee Pond on Wanstead Flats yesterday to see how things were progressing. What a surprise, it's looking great, the ground work seems to be almost finished and it looks like it just needs planting up. There is a broad path running all the way around with a viewing platform at one point, it just needs the birdlife back in place to complete it. I am not sure what these logs are for but I hope they are staying and being put to use. I think they fit in with the environment really well and of course help with the composition of my photograph.
Saturday, 13 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Not sure what the temperature was today but it's been really hot, at least here in Nightingale Lane. I had a wander up to Christchurch Green which had a few people sunbathing and generally enjoying themselves including this pair running across the green, more engergy than me in this heat. Check out Wanstead Weather for an up to date forecasts.
Friday, 12 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Walking along Leicester Road a while ago I came across this magnificent Monkey Puzzle tree in a front garden. I framed it up through some branches of another tree, I really like the effect, for some reason it reminds me of seaweed swaying under water. Time for a holiday I think.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved.
With the last few days being so hot I thought I had better give my garden a water. I think the lack of rain is affecting the size of the fruit on my cherry tree but fingers crossed. Anyway this hydrangea bush and the rest of the garden certainly appreciated it.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I have mentioned before how often following an alley has led to an interesting photograph. Well this is a bit wider than an alley, it runs parallel with the High Street. I discovered this old building and although not remarkable in itself it looks as if it's an 'original' and so I can't help but wonder the history.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved

I saw this beauty in Wanstead High Street last weekend with the now rarely seen split windscreen, C reg so it must be dated around 1965. It was in fabulous condition and looked magnificent in the summer sunshine.
Monday, 8 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved.
One could be forgiven for getting it wrong, this not a lavender field in Provence. It is a sea of Lavender in a garden in Nutter Lane Wanstead. However, with the temperature yesterday being so high it certainly felt like the South of France.
Sunday, 7 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved.
It's another hot one. I thought you might appreciate this photograph of a very shady and cool spot that I found early this morning. If you want to get out of the sun this tranquil place is just over by Eagle Pond.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Wow was it hot in Wanstead yesterday, I don't know what the temperature was but it was certainly more like summer. This cute cat had to evacuate the room and find a cool spot on the first floor window ledge outside. Lets hope the sun continues all weekend, check out WansteadWeather for a forecast.
Friday, 5 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved.
With a light under the portico and although not open, The Church of St. Mary the Virgin gave a welcoming glow last night when I took this picture.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Photograph world © Geoff Wilkinson
4th July, it's the day when America celebrates Independence Day. In 1776 America declared independence from Great Britain and the rest as they say is history. The photograph above is of the Quaker Meeting House in Bush Road, I thought it apt in so much as William Penn, born in London in 1644, himself a prominent Quaker and founder of Pennsylvania lived in Wanstead. Happy holiday America.
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
This is a more traditional view than the one I posted last night. The soon to be opened Sushi restaurant, with the lights burning bright into the evening as they work towards completion and opening. I really like these evening pictures with the interior lights shining out but with a little blue left in the sky.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I spied these hovering lights in the High Street as I was driving through the other night, I did a double take. Glowing lights at night could it be....... anyway it wasn't. They are completely refurbishing what was The Olive Branch and I believe it is to be a Sushi restaurant, good luck to them, I hope it goes well.
Monday, 1 July 2013
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Another picture from Wanstead Flats taken taken on Saturday evening. The light had a lovely golden colour as the sun set. These grasses look wonderful as they swayed in the breeze.
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