I bumped into Father Christmas outside Daisys the florist earlier this morning just after he had finished delivering presents. As you can see from the picture he didn't look too tired after his nights work climbing down and back up chimneys with his sack. Wherever you are in the world have a wonderful holiday together with your families. Spare a thought for the many people in the world who are less fortunate than ourselves, lets hope 2016 brings peace to the world...
Picture framing, Photo restoration, Photography workshops, Crafts and more all from Geoff Wilkinson Photography at 'eightyfour', 84 Nightingale Lane, Wanstead, London E11 2EZ
Friday, 25 December 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Thursday, 24 December 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
.....is in the air. At least that's what this daffodils think. The poor things don't seem to realise that it's only December 24th and they should still be asleep. I spotted them in Nightingale Lane yesterday, must be global warming I expect...
Sunday, 13 December 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Lot's going on at The Nightingale pub yesterday including a visit from Father Christmas and of course one of his helpers. His grotto was in 'the snug', he had a full house of young visitors so lots of presents left his sack and were taken home....it also helped raise funds for the Wanstead Playground Association who plan on refurbishing the children's playground on Christchurch Green, a very worthwhile cause..
...and if you are free this afternoon The East London Chorus are giving a Christmas carol concert at Christ Church this afternoon at 4pm, it will be well worth attending if you enjoy music....
Saturday, 12 December 2015
....check out this Christmas video featuring our milkman Steve from Parker Dairies just click on Xmas
Friday, 11 December 2015
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World © Geoff Wilkinson - All right reserved |
Steve from Parker Dairies delivers our daily pinta, when he popped into the Gallery last Saturday I notice that his milk float had a fresh coat of paint and very smart it looked.
If you a fan of the television show Thunderbirds you will of course know that Lady Penelope's chauffeur is called Parker same as Steve's dairy with me so far? So Steve in addition to the fresh coat of paint on his float now has a picture of a cow on the float which naturally enough is called Penelope...
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World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
NewsFlash:check the Parker Diaries Christmas video just click here
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Cold and damp the other night perhaps that's what put me in an abstract mood. Anyway I really liked the way the raindrops were running down the windscreen of this car, that plus the streetlights together with the cars interior lights just worked for me...
Cold and damp the other night perhaps that's what put me in an abstract mood. Anyway I really liked the way the raindrops were running down the windscreen of this car, that plus the streetlights together with the cars interior lights just worked for me...
Monday, 7 December 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
......I wonder what happened here? As I wandered along Nightingale Lane the other day I came across this pair of boots standing side by side on the pavement with nothing else around. They look in reasonable condition, not smart but certainly serviceable, the only thing missing were the laces...
What happened to the owner, abducted by aliens, human combustion or just forgetful I guess we'll never know...
Saturday, 5 December 2015
World © no unauthorised use
That's not me in the picture I have to say straight away. Noel the guvnor at the Nightingale Pub in Nightingale Lane, Wanstead has a busy afternoon planned for tomorrow, Sunday. There will be a barbecue, a jazz band and as you might surmise from the picture fire walking. The hot stuff is between 3.30 and 4.30pm in the afternoon, everyone is welcome to have a go and its all for a brilliant charity. The money raised will go to help children with cancer so whether you feel up to walking on fire or just going along to watch dig deeply folks...
...the photograph above is not mine it came from the charity so please don't go pinching it without permission, thanks...
Sunday, 29 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
'The Duke' at the top of Nightingale Lane had a street party yesterday. Sort of a little early Christmas cheer, there was food, drinks of course, stalls selling candles, clothes and lots of other lovely stuff...I'm starting to feel slightly festive...
'The Duke' at the top of Nightingale Lane had a street party yesterday. Sort of a little early Christmas cheer, there was food, drinks of course, stalls selling candles, clothes and lots of other lovely stuff...I'm starting to feel slightly festive...
Saturday, 28 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I photographed this squirrel on my Christchurch Green walk a few days ago. As you can see he was perched in a tree, his fur was soaking wet and spiky instead of smooth and flat. Maybe that's why he wasn't looking too happy. The blur you can see at the back half of his body is his hind leg furiously scratching away, I'll bet he can't wait for some spring sunshine...
Thursday, 26 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Fabulous moon last night, just so bright and clear. I know I've posted moon pictures before but I just can't resist.. I though it actually made a better picture though when is was partially covered by cloud....
Fabulous moon last night, just so bright and clear. I know I've posted moon pictures before but I just can't resist.. I though it actually made a better picture though when is was partially covered by cloud....
Monday, 23 November 2015
All pictures World © Geoff Wilkinson
This lovely Morris Minor 1000 pulled up outside the Gallery a couple of weekends ago. I couldn't resist taking a few shots, it was immaculate, obviously the owners pride and joy. Designed by Alec Issigonis, around 1950 for this four door version, I believe he went on to design the world famous 'mini' which is still going strong in it's current form. For a few hours it graces Nightingale Lane whisking us back in time for a while...
This lovely Morris Minor 1000 pulled up outside the Gallery a couple of weekends ago. I couldn't resist taking a few shots, it was immaculate, obviously the owners pride and joy. Designed by Alec Issigonis, around 1950 for this four door version, I believe he went on to design the world famous 'mini' which is still going strong in it's current form. For a few hours it graces Nightingale Lane whisking us back in time for a while...
... appropriately the end both of the car and the pictures...
All pictures World © Geoff Wilkinson
Sunday, 22 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
....a day makes. Click here to see the same scene that I photographed last Thursday afternoon, what a difference in between the two pictures. This one of Christchurch Green was taken just 24 hours later, as I write this, Saturday, it's freezing outside and there was even a little snow first thing...
Saturday, 21 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
...this is another picture I took on Christchurch Green during my winter afternoon walk. I love photographing fallen leaves, when I saw this couple approaching across the Green huddled together under their umbrella I knew I had all the elements for a picture...never let the weather put you off....
Friday, 20 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson all rights reserved
It felt like a propers winters day yesterday, by the afternoon it was cold and drizzling with rain but I braved it. I wandered along to Christchurch Green, the ground and the leaves were sodden, the colour seemed to have disappeared from both. It seemed a perfect day for black and white photography....
Thursday, 19 November 2015
....apologies for the lack of pictures this week, back on track tomorrow with a lovely black and white shot...
Sunday, 15 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
You may have noticed there was a little rain in Wanstead yesterday, I'm being facetious of course, it seemed to have poured down all day. I thought this picture that I shot in Nightingale Lane late in the afternoon pretty much summed up the day. I think it also suits what must be the mood in Paris this weekend...
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
.....here's four more pictures that I particularly like from Sundays Remembrance Day service in Wanstead..
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Monday, 9 November 2015
All pictures world © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Friday, 6 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
So I was thinking...why always photograph swans on lakes in sunshine? So here are swans on Snaresbrook pond at night, a long exposure has made them streaky, I think it looks best in black and white. Love it or hate it it's something I might explore further...
Thursday, 5 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
One of the things I like in the winter is when the clocks go back. Not only do I get an extra hour in bed but it gets darker earlier, what does this mean. Well the lights in buildings go on just as I am on my way home and so I get a chance to peek inside. Also I really like the way that the warmth of colour shines out into the cold winter light outside...This peek through the widow is into the newly refurbished Nightingale pub opposite the Gallery...looks very inviting to me...
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Great sky the other night. There were bands of colour crisscrossing each other against a blue background, I don't think I've ever seen it quite like that before...
Sunday, 1 November 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
This was the scene early this morning in Nightingale Lane. I'm not sure whether you would call it mist or fog, whatever it was it was certainly full of atmosphere especially as it was Halloween last night. Good luck to the two cyclist in the picture who braved the cold setting off for an early morning ride....
Saturday, 31 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
...as Shakespeare said. Well no actually it's Dexter who has been living with us for many years. Dexter has now decided the time has come to move out and is off to live with a medical student, I hope they'll both be very happy together...
...by the way Happy Halloween....
...as Shakespeare said. Well no actually it's Dexter who has been living with us for many years. Dexter has now decided the time has come to move out and is off to live with a medical student, I hope they'll both be very happy together...
...by the way Happy Halloween....
Friday, 30 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I took this picture a few days ago, as you can see it was raining. As you may know I never let a little inclement weather stop me taking a photograph. I shot it from inside the car through the window, you may have already noticed the clue....
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I found this rose in a champagne glass a few days ago. It was past its best but I thought it still looked lovely in the glass with the light coming from behind it...
I found this rose in a champagne glass a few days ago. It was past its best but I thought it still looked lovely in the glass with the light coming from behind it...
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved

....you may remember this 1969 Rolling Stones song, that's what sprung to mind yesterday. My mate Jo from Elmcroft Ave telephoned to say that her builders had uncovered a WW2 airaid shelter in her garden during building work. When I arrived the excavation had been covered by an old garage door for safety, but peaking under the door I was able to get this shot from the back of the tiny shelter looking out. I just love the way the light from the entrance is bouncing around inside, I think it gives it a moody, atmospheric feeling. According to records a bomb did land in Elmcroft, probably within a hundred yards of this shelter, it certainly makes you think...

Saturday, 17 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I spotted this unusual lamp in the window of Longhorn the American style restaurant in the High Street. As well as serving fab food Mel who owns Longhorn has a great sense of design hence this stunning light, if you look very carefully you may just spot me lurking in the reflection..
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
I rather like this picture. It was taken early this morning as the sun came through the window, the shadows and the highlights really caught my attention...
I rather like this picture. It was taken early this morning as the sun came through the window, the shadows and the highlights really caught my attention...
Monday, 12 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
.....those eyelashes. I spotted these enormous lashes on a car the other day, I do remember seeing similar years ago perhaps they are making a comeback together with the fairy on the bonnet...
Sunday, 11 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Wanstead's guerrilla gardner Marion Temple popped in the Gallery the other day, she had news and the leaflet in the picture above. As you may well know Marion lovingly plants up the odd patches of otherwise unloved earth around Wanstead. Her plan for next year it to take on Nightingale Green, on Sunday 18th October 2015 11am onwards everyone is invited to join her in planting spring bulbs! Marion says 'families are more than welcome' so the more the merrier just bring along tools if you have them and help bring some colour to Nightingale Green next spring. Donations toward the cost of bulbs welcome, do try to come along...
Monday, 5 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
....why is it when we see something old, not necessarily antique we tend to get all nostalgic. Take this wonderful old VW spilt windscreen camper van, as you know by now I'm not really all that interested in cars but this did tug my heart strings. Visions of the open road, camp fires etc who knows where you might end up...
Sunday, 4 October 2015
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
Here's a word that's rarely used these days I thought as I walked along Nightingale Lane from the Farmers Market. In this age of electronic communication e.mails etc when did you last hear someone say 'telegraph'. I can remember when telegrams were delivered by Post Office messengers, that's quite a few years ago but to telegraph I can't ever remember...
I couldn't decide which of these picture I prefer so I'll show you both, let me know which you prefer...
World © Geoff Wilkinson - All rights reserved
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